Houston Cardiology
Khuyen Do, MD

Board Certified Cardiologist & Cardiac Electrophysiologist located in Houston, TX

Chest Pain Specialist

At Houston Cardiology in Southwest Houston, Texas, board-certified cardiologist, Khuyen Do, MD, offers comprehensive diagnostic heart testing on site to quickly identify the cause of unexplained chest pain. Dr. Do and his medical team use the latest diagnostic technologies to evaluate your heart function and tailors a treatment plan to your specific needs. They also offer comprehensive preventive care to reduce risk factors that can lead to chronic chest pain. If you have recurring chest pain, now is the time to schedule a diagnostic evaluation. Call Houston Cardiology today to book your appointment.

Chest Pain Q & A
What causes chest pain?
Chest pain can be a symptom of a number of underlying health conditions. Pain usually develops when your heart muscle doesn’t get enough blood and oxygen to support its health and function.

For many people, experiencing chest pain feels like there’s pressure on your chest or something is squeezing your chest. This pain can also radiate into your shoulders, neck, arms, and jaw. Chest pain can be occasional and mild or persistent and severe.

Causes of chest pain may include cardiovascular-related conditions like:

  • Heart attack
  • Inflammation of the pericardium around your heart
  • Coronary artery blockage
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Congestive heart failure
You may also feel occasional pain in the chest if you’re prone to anxiety or panic attacks. If you have recurring or chronic chest pain, you shouldn’t delay getting an evaluation at Houston Cardiology.

How is chest pain diagnosed?
Unexplained chest pain requires a comprehensive cardiac work-up to pinpoint the cause of your pain. Your Houston Cardiology provider works quickly to rule out potentially life-threatening conditions, like a heart attack, and ensure you receive the treatment you need as soon as possible.

As part of your evaluation, your doctor may request diagnostic tests, like an electrocardiogram (ECG) which records your heart’s electrical activity. They may also order blood tests, an echocardiogram, or chest X-rays to rule out infections or heart muscle damage to determine if your chest pain relates to heart problems or another underlying health issue.

How is chest pain treated?
Your treatment plan for frequent or chronic chest pain depends on its cause. If you have high blood pressure or congestive heart failure, your Houston Cardiology provider may recommend medications to keep the condition well-controlled.

If you have a blockage that’s causing your chest pain, your doctor may recommend surgery to place a stent in your artery to improve blood circulation. They may also discuss options for bypass surgery if you have severely blocked arteries.

In addition to treating existing chest pain, the Houston Cardiology team works closely with you on lifestyle changes and diet improvements that lower your risk factors for chest pain and other types of heart disease. They can suggest exercise routines, diet plans, and other preventive care to protect your long-term heart health.

Don’t delay seeking a diagnostic evaluation of chest pain. Call Houston Cardiology today to schedule an appointment.