Houston Cardiology
Khuyen Do, MD

Board Certified Cardiologist & Cardiac Electrophysiologist located in Houston, TX

Stress Testing Specialist

If you have a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or other symptoms of heart disease, you may need diagnostic stress testing. At Houston Cardiology in Southwest Houston, Texas, board-certified cardiologist, Khuyen Do, MD, and his cardiology team offer in-office stress tests to evaluate the function of your heart during strenuous physical activity. If you need diagnostic testing or want to learn more about the benefits of stress testing, schedule a consultation by calling Houston Cardiology today.

Stress Testing Q & A
What is stress testing?
Stress testing measures the function and general health of your heart during physical activity. This type of test can help your Houston Cardiology provider diagnose certain heart conditions that are easier to identify when your heart is working hard. These conditions may include:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Heart failure
  • Heart valve disease
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Coronary artery disease

Stress testing can also confirm the root cause of unexplained symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or an irregular heartbeat.

How do I prepare for stress testing?
Before your stress test, your provider at Houston Cardiology gives you complete instructions to prepare for your test to ensure the most accurate results.

You shouldn’t eat, drink, or smoke before testing, and you must avoid caffeine in the days leading up to your appointment. If you take regular medications, your doctor can advise you whether to make any changes or if you should continue taking medicines as you normally would.

Be sure to wear clothing that’s loose and comfortable and a pair of supportive walking shoes.

What is involved in stress testing?
During stress testing, the Houston Cardiology team connects multiple sensors to your body, and you begin some form of physical exercise, such as riding a stationary bike or walking on a treadmill. Throughout your test, your provider records information about your heart's electrical activity and continues to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate.

For people who aren’t able to tolerate physical activity, your physician may provide a medication that increases your heart’s function in a similar way that exercise does.

To prevent heart-related complications during stress testing, your provider carefully supervises your test and can assist you if you experience any discomfort or other issues. Stress testing poses little risk, but you may experience dizziness or fainting during strenuous physical activity.

What can I expect after stress testing?
Following your stress test, your Houston Cardiology specialist evaluates your results and takes your vital signs again to ensure they’re normal before you leave. You should expect to return to your usual routine without any limitations.

If tests indicate your heart is healthy, you may need additional diagnostic testing to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. If you have an underlying heart issue that your doctor detects on the stress test, you may also need more testing, and they discuss what to expect moving forward.

To learn more about the benefits of diagnostic stress testing, schedule a consultation with Dr. Do and the team by calling Houston Cardiology.